

To volunteer for MMHK, please contact us.

RGC external positions

Hong Kong Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme

If you have recently completed your PhD (or is about to do so) in a relevant field, and if you are keen to explore an excellent postdoc opportunity in attachment to MMHK, read this carefully and then contact us to discuss the possibilities. The next round is expected to open in July.

GRF hired positions

Research Assistant

Positions are contracted, well remunerated, and either full- or part-time over longer duration. You must have a completed first degree in a relevant field and be based in Hong Kong. A strong interest in the project theme is essential; previous RA experience is welcome; and a strong plus would be skills in a relevant field, for example environmental perception psychology, 3D audiovisual recordings, cultural heritage, social science, qualitative research methods including statistics, Cantonese language, or web programming.

There are currently no openings for Research Assistants. Keep an eye on CityU job posts, and sign up to receive MMHK news via email!

Student Helper

We are seeking to hire Student Helpers on part-time basis. Several positions are available. Positions are contracted and part-time over a specified time period: for example, to assist with a research study. You must be a current undergraduate student in Hong Kong. A keen interest in the project theme is important, but previous research experience is not necessarily needed as it depends on the task at hand. To be considered, please contact us now stating your interest, skills, and personal details.

Individual research supervision

PhD in Creative Media

If you are seeking to do your PhD in attachment to MMHK, contact us. More information is available via SoundLab, here. Next application round is expected in November; be sure to contact us well in time.

UG and PG

If you are a current CityU student (School of Creative Media or Department of Chemistry: BA, BAS, BSc, MA, MFA, MSc), join MMHK and do your final-year Graduation Thesis / Individually Supervised research with us! Check out the Education Plan, then contact us.

MMHK project PhDs and RAs from SCM visiting the Chemistry Department