

  • Xiao JL & Lindborg PM (2025/05, in print). “Spatializing Sensory Memories: reflections from an experimental workshop on recalled sounds and smells”. Chapter in C. Dupuis (ed.) The Senses and Memory, Vernon Press. [RG link]
  • Lindborg PM, Lam LH, Kam YC, Xiao JL (2025, in review). “Developing Sensory Heritage Policy from International Soundscape and Smellscape Standards”. Proceedings of
  • Lam LH, Yue R, Kam YC, Lindborg PM (2025, in review). “Different Perceptions on Hong Kong’s Chinese Temples: Through the Lens of Soundscape and Smellscape”. Proceedings of


  • Xiao JL, Lindborg PM, Aletta F (2024/08). “Creative use of soundscape/smellscape protocols for integrated spatial understandings”. Proceedings of Inter-noise, Nantes, France. [RG link]
  • Lindborg PM, Aletta F, Liew KM, Matsuda Y, Xiao JL, Yue R, Lam LH, Wei LS (2024/08). “Multimodal Hong Kong: Understanding the intangible cultural heritage through sight, sound, and smell”. Proceedings of Inter-noise, Nantes, France. [RG link]
  • Lam LH, Lindborg PM, Aletta F Wong PPY, Yue R (2024/08). “”Multimodal Hong Kong: A review of policies regarding soundscape and smellscape of Chinese temples”. Proceedings of Inter-noise, Nantes, France. [RG link]
  • Jiang QX, Lindborg PM, Wei LS, Xiao JL, Yue R (2024/08). “Multimodal Hong Kong: A multisensory study of environmental perception of places through sight, sound, and smell”. Proceedings of Inter-noise, Nantes, France. [RG link]
  • Yue R, Lindborg PM, Ikeshiro Ryo, Gui Ren (2024/08). “Multimodal Hong Kong: Perceiving pedestrian footbridge spaces in a high-density area through sensewalking”. Proceedings of Inter-noise, Nantes, France. [RG link]


  • Yue R & Lindborg PM (2023/10). “Towards Soundscape Diversity – A Comparison of Stakeholder Perceptions and Structural Design Elements Between a Localized and a Revitalized Market in Hong Kong”. Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2023 ACSP 63rd Annual Conference.
  • Lindborg PM, Xiao JL, Aletta F, Cheung H, Yue R, Han NZ, Xiaoyi Xu (2023/04). Exhibition :: The Dual City Multi-sensory Experience of Markets. Symposium on Inclusive Design with Multi-senses, 14 April 2023, STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University, UK. [RG link]
  • Lindborg PM (2023/04). “Multimodal Hong Kong”. Symposium on Inclusive Design with Multi-senses, 14 April 2023, STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University, UK.