This blogg is much overdue! Over the past few months, the MMHK team has been focussing on a case study at Wong Tai Sin 黃大仙祠, one of the most significant…
Category: Research
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To volunteer for MMHK, please contact PerMagnus Lindborg, PI. There are currently no openings for employed positions. Keep an eye on CityU job posts, and sign up to receive MMHK…
Jackpot at Inter-noise, here we come! Multimodal Hong Kong has gotten five full papers accepted, by Yueran, Qianxi, Ryan, Jieling, and PerMagnus as first authors, respectively, together with MMHK co-authors…
We’ve been developing a field protocol in several stages. After brainstorming and literature review (two sides of the same coin?), and paper drafts, since March 2023 we are using QuestionPro…
On Friday 1 March, the local team visited Shek Kip Mei market again to collect more data for our project. We got the permission to record 360 videos and ambisonics…
After developing a protocol for field observations, the local team conducted a “field try-out” on Thursday 23 Feb at Shek Kip Mei Estate Market. Things went much as planned; the…